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And so we live on Blackheath, in the charm ingest of dolls' houses, de lightfully furnished, and we have a clever little servant who is de cidedly pretty, and we are economical and orderly, and do everything by clockwork, and we have a hundred and fifty pounds a year, and we have all we want, and more.

"Sir Corina thinks we're crazy to drink it." Sunbeam giggled. "If she thinks coffee's bad, she should try tea!" "I did!" Corina said emphatically, trying to imitate Sunbeam's gaiety. "The things you humans ingest and claim to enjoy, it is a wonder that you survive at all." "It's not that bad," Sunbeam said, still amazing Corina with her ability to eat and talk simultaneously and neatly.

"Almost us ingest too many last dark," Geck gave what Hanlon knew was a shamefaced laugh. "It such very good eat us become ..." he hesitated. "Drunk, you mean?" Hanlon laughed. "I can see it might do that to you. You'll have to warn the others about that." They chatted away for some minutes, about how much the Guddus appreciated Hanlon's thoughtfulness.

Jonston says that Avicenna, Rufus, and Gentilis relate instances of young girls who acquired a taste for poisonous animals and substances, who could ingest them with impunity. Colonia Agrippina was supposed to have eaten spiders with impunity. Van Woensel is said to have seen persons who devoured live eels.