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We are disturbed, we are embittered, thy servants here in Tlatilolco, deprived of food, made acquainted with affliction, we are fatigued with labor, O Giver of Life, alas. Choquiztli moteca ixayotl pixahui oncan a in Tlatilolco; in atlan yahqueon o in Mexica ye cihua nelihui ica yehuilo a oncan ontihui in tocnihuan a, ohuaya.

In the morning of the 8th of July they caught sight of the village of San Antonio, two or three little houses lost in the trees at the mouth of the Ica, or Putumayo, which is about nine hundred meters wide. The Putumayo is one of the most important affluents of the Amazon.

Indeed, they are not limited to the main bed of the Amazons; they have been followed along the banks of its tributaries to the south and north as far as these have been ascended. They occur on the margins of the Huallaga and the Ucayall, on those of the Iça, the Jutahy, the Jurua, the Japura, and the Purus.

This tributary, properly speaking, is a true canal, for it discharges its waters into the Ica, which is itself an affluent of the Amazon. A peculiar phenomenon, for the river displaces itself to feed its own tributaries!

Cara Cara-egu pu-Cara Gen. Cara-ni Cara-egu-ni pu-Cara-ni Dat. Cara-meu Cara-egu-meu pu-Cara-meu Accus. Cara Cara-egu pu-Cara Voc. a Cara a Cara-egu a pu-Cara Abl. Caramo Cara-egu-mo pu-Cara-mo Instead of pu, the mark of the plural, ica or egen may be affixed to the noun, or que placed between the adjective and substantive.