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Updated: January 10, 2025

Where the brilliant scolopender basks, the coyol bird scatters abroad its songs, answering back the nobles, rejoicing in their prowess and might. Xochitzetzeliuhtoc y, niconnetolilo antocnihuan huehuetitlan ai on chielo can nontlamati toyollo yehua ohuaya ohuaya. Scattering flowers I rejoice you, dear friends, with my drum, awaiting what comes to our minds.

Thy house, O Giver of Life is in all places; its mats are of flowers, finely spun with flowers, where thy children pray to thee. In nepapan xochiquahuitl onicac, aya, huehuetitlan a a yiahue, can canticaya quetzaltica malintimani, ya, yecxochitl motzetzeloaya ohuaya ohuaya.

The fourth song has been preserved in an Otomi translation by the Mexican antiquary Granados y Galvez and in an abstract by Torquemada. The latter gives the first words as follows: Xochitl mamani in huehuetitlan: Which he translates: "There are fresh and fragrant flowers among the groves." It is said to have been composed at the time the king dedicated his palace.

Macuelachic aya maoc ixquich cahuitl niquin notlanehui in chalchiuhtini in maquiztini in tepilhuan aya; zan nicxochimalina in tecpillotl huia: zan ca nican nocuic ica ya nocon ilacatzohua a in huehuetitlan a ohuaya ohuaya.

Only the tzinitzcan is in power, the tzinitzcan arouses me in my affliction, letting fall its songs like sad flowers. In canin nemiya icanon in nemitoconchia ye nican huehuetitlan a ayiahue, ye onnentlamacho, ye mocatlaocoyalo ay xopancaliteca, ohuaya, ohuaya. Wherever it wanders, wherever it lives, one awaits it here with the drum, in affliction, in distress, here in the house of spring.

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