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Lawrence and on the Atlantic, but commoner in Hudsonian waters. It is a large seal, eight feet long, and bulky in proportion. The Grey, or Horse-head, seal runs up to about the same size occasionally and is one of the gamest animals that swims. It is rare on the Atlantic and not common anywhere on the St. Lawrence. The "Hoods" are the largest of all and the lions of the lot.

And young men will certainly see the end of the Hudsonian and Eskimo curlews very soon, under present conditions. The days of commercial "egging" on a large scale are over, because eggs of the final lay were taken like the rest, and the whole bird life was depleted below paying quantities.

He could scarce wait for the time to come. Similar to the Canada Jay, but with darker upper parts and head. The Hudsonian Chickadee. Evening down on The Labrador begins directly after twelve o'clock, noon, and therefore by Labrador reckoning it was already evening.

A few are still seen in the sand hills of western Kansas, and they are still comparatively abundant along the extreme southwestern line, and in northern Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle. Yellow-legged plover, golden plover; Hudsonian and Eskimo curlew, prairie chicken. LOUISIANA: Ivory-billed woodpecker, butterball, bufflehead.

Common tern, knot, American white pelican, Hudsonian godwit, trumpeter swan, long-billed curlew, snowy heron, Hudsonian curlew, American avocet, prairie sharp-tailed grouse, dowitcher, passenger pigeon. Long-billed dowitcher and northern hairy woodpecker. Wood-duck, ruddy duck, black mallard, grebe or hell-diver, tern and woodcock.