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At last it got up, went hop-hop to the door, looked round in the doorway; and what did it look like? Such a funny fellow it was! Lukerya glanced at me, as much as to say, 'Wasn't it funny? To satisfy her, I laughed. She moistened her parched lips. 'Well, in the winter, of course, I'm worse off, because it's dark: to burn a candle would be a pity, and what would be the use?

Lovely and bright in the month of May, at the time of rice-planting, was the day on which the daimio, Lord Long-legs, was informed by his chamberlain, Hop-hop, that on the morrow his lordship's retinue would be in readiness to accompany their worshipful Lord Long-legs on his journey.

Well, when its owner went in at the door, what should this wonderful staff do but spread its little wings and go hop-hop, flutter-flutter up the steps; then it went tap-tap across the kitchen floor and did not stop till it stood close behind Mercury's chair. No one noticed this, as Baucis and her husband were too busy attending to their guests.

It's like nothing else lying straight under the Southern Cross and watching its pointers, and, one by one, the stars coming up above the gum trees and the queer wild smell of the gums and the loneliness of it all not a sound until the birds begin at dawn but the HOP-HOP of the Wallabies, and the funny noises of opossums, and the crying of the curlews and native dogs dingoes we call 'em.... Well, there!