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"Rob!" she whispered in the dog's ear, keeping her eyes fixed on the man, who had now nearly finished trimming his stick. "Rob! hiss-s-s-s!" and she patted his back. Rob seemed to listen very attentively. "Hiss-s-s!" she whispered again, her heart beating quick and hard. Rob now raised his head, his big body began to quiver, and the hair on his back gradually rose on end. "Hiss! Rob!

He'll give you nasty medicine!" "Hiss-s-s-s!" chimed in Miss Royle, her bandaged head rising and lowering in assent. "He'll cut out your appendix." One moment she hesitated, feeling the old fear drive the blood from her cheeks to her wildly beating heart. Then she saw Puffy sway, half fainting.

Hiss-s-s-s came from far in the depths of the cave. Gurgle-urgle-gugg-pap! Went something of a liquid kind. "Here, I can't stand this here, Mas' Don," whispered Jem; "let's make a rush of it; and get right away in the woods." "Hush! There's some one coming," whispered Don, drawing his companion farther back into the darkness. "All right, Mas' Don!

He walked on slowly, and then stopped short as if he saw the hiding pair; but there was no gesture made, and of course his face was invisible to the fugitives, to whom he seemed to be nothing but a black figure. "Plaguey dark!" ejaculated the man aloud. Hiss-s-s-s!