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One of those has blown my way to-day or rather yesterday. Freistner is above all suspicion, is he not?" "Far above," was the confident reply. "I am not the only one who knows him. Ask the others." "Do you think it possible that he himself can have been deceived?" she persisted. "In what manner?" "In his own strength the strength of his own Party," she proceeded eagerly.

Is there any chance that he could be playing into the hands of the Pan-Germans?" "Fenn is the man who has had most to do with him," Julian remarked. "I wouldn't trust Fenn a yard, but I believe in Freistner." "So do I," Furley assented, "but is Fenn's report of his promises and the strength of his followers entirely honest?" "That's the part of the whole thing I don't like," Julian acknowledged.

Stenson has been saying which I think we might and ought to consider a little more fully, and that is, what guarantees have we that Freistner really has the people at the back of him, that he'll be able to cleanse that rat pit at Berlin of the Hohenzollern and his clan of junkers the most accursed type of politician who ever breathed? We ought to be very sure about this. Fenn's our man.

This is the most cunning scheme of the whole war. Freistner has simply been the tool of the militarists. They encouraged him to put forward these proposals and to communicate with Nicholas Fenn. When the armistice has been declared and negotiations begun, the three signatures will be repudiated.

"How can we do otherwise?" Fenn demanded. "Freistner, who is responsible for it, has been in unofficial correspondence with us since the commencement of the war. We know his handwriting, we know his character, we've had a hundred different occasions to test his earnestness and trustworthiness.