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Every one looked very sportsmanlike. M. Davilliers gave me his arm for dejeuner. He told me a great deal which I did not want to know about hunting-dogs. For instance, "Les chiens anglais," he said, "etaient tres raillants, tres percants, mais hesitants dans les fourres." So much Greek to me, but I pretended to understand.

In a strait Thrust the Time shou'd be taken by lowering and volting the Body, because the Thrust coming strait, if you were to push the same Way, you would, by supporting the Wrist, make a Contrast; and by pushing crooked, you would make a Coup Fourres, or an interchanged Thrust; but if the Thrust be in Two Times, or Motions, you may push on the first; If it be in three Motions, on the second.

These are not only the Occasions of the same Time, but also of the Coups Fourres.

Thrusts of Emulation for Prizes, Wagers &c. All Thrusts from the Neckband to the Wastband are counted good. Coup Fourres or interchanged Thrusts are not counted on either side, except one of the Competitors has Recourse to it in order to make the Thrusts equal, then the Thrust of the other is good, and not his.

Every description of intrigue was had recourse to, in order to neutralise the effect of justice. The fair ladies of Clermont, les chats fourres, as Flechier calls them, did their utmost to reduce the severity of the judges. The Great Days lasted three months, and ended in disappointment.