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The Kisik-tag, which he had before passed in descending into Western Turkestan. This absurd derivation of the name of the country and people, is unworthy of credit. Organum was probably the country called Irgonekan or Irganakon by Abulgari; and the word signifies a valley surrounded by steep mountains, exactly correspondent with the description in the text. Forst.

Kampion, Kampition, Kampiciou, Kantscheu, or Kan-tcheou, in the Chinese province of Shensi, on the Etzine-moren, or Etchine river, which joins the Souk. Forst. Eziva, or Etzine, on a river of the same name, which runs into the Suck or Souhouk. Forst. Of the City of Caracarum and of the Tartars, with some account of their History, Monarchs, and Manners.

They had their appellation from Boier-heim, or the dwelling place of the Boii, who were exterminated by the Suevi. Forst. The Thuringians, at one time so powerful, that their king was able to engage in war against the king of the Franks. Thuringia is still a well known district in Germany. Forst.

Forst. No such appellation is to be found in modern geography; but the discontinuance of the designations, of temporary and continually changing associations of the wandering tribes of the desert, is not to be wondered at, and even if their records were preserved, they would be altogether unimportant. Of the vast Countries to the North of Tartary, and many other curious Particulars.

Grisland seems to be the island which lies to the eastward of Iceland, called Enkhuyzen; perhaps the island of Grims-ey to the north, of Iceland. Forst. Probably Hamer, a place on the north of Mainland. Forst. Engrgroneland, Groenland, or Greenland. Forst. The poultry here mentioned in the text; must have been ptarmagans and the flesh that of the reindeer. Forst.

In the winter little snow fell there; but about Easter, which was that year in the latter end of April, there fell so great a snow, that the streets of Caracarum were so full, it had to be carried out in carts. The country on the Onon and Kerlon, in Daouria, or the land of the Tunguses. Forst. The Introduction of Rubruquis to Mangu-khan.

The empire of Kaffia is obviously that of Kiow, Kiovia, or Kiavia, long the capital of the Russian empire, and the residence of the czars or great dukes. Forst.

It had this name of Witland at the time of the crusades of the Germans against Prussia. The word Wit-land, is a translation of the native term Baltikka, or the white land, now applied to the Baltic Sea. Forst. Est-mere, a lake of fresh water, into which the Elbing and Vistula empty themselves; now called Frisch-haf, or the fresh water sea. Forst.

The Greenlanders call it Vagavarsuk. It is a very bold bird, and only inhabits the high northern latitudes, in Finmark, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, and Spitzbergen. This Maase, or sea-gull, is probably the white Muxis of the text. Forst. Voyage from Rostoe to Drontheim, and journey thence into Sweden.

Vochan, Vocham or Vakhan, on the river Vash. Forst. This observation was made on the mountains of Savoy and Switzerland, not many years ago, by M. de Luc, and published as a new discovery.