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Updated: November 9, 2024
"Sire," said D'Artagnan, "will your majesty permit me to ask you a question?" "Yes, sir," replied Louis, after a moment's pause, occasioned by surprise at the guardsman's boldness. "Does our majesty remember, when playing in the park at Fontaine-bleau, or the gardens at Versailles, to have seen the heavens become clouded, and to have heard the thunder roll?" "Certainly I do," answered Louis.
Pierre Dan, Ministre et Superieur du Convent de la Sainte Trinité et Redemption des Captifs, fondé au Chasteau de Fontaine-bleau, et Bachelier en Theologie, de la Faculté de Paris. Avec Privilege de sa Majesté. 1637. Several Voyages to Barbary, second ed., Lond., 1736. 16th to 18th Centuries.
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