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He almost hated himself for feeling any doubt on the subject, and yet Mark had certainly behaved very strangely; in any case he must try to find out who this Cyril Ernstone might be, and he went on to the City and called at Messrs. Chilton and Fladgate's offices with that intention. Mr. Fladgate himself came down to receive him in the little room in which Mark Ashburn had once waited.

I want to know the truth." "I believe it was accident," answered Ransford. "I listened most carefully just now to Fladgate's account of what happened. I firmly believe the man was telling the truth. But I haven't the least doubt that Folliot poisoned Collishaw not the least. Folliot knew that if the least thing came out about Fladgate, everything would come out about himself."

Fladgate's dinner, and he seemed flattered by the assiduity with which Caffyn courted his society. Still, if he had a secret, it was his own still. Caffyn watched in vain for the look of sudden terror which he had once succeeded in surprising.

'You wished to speak to me? he began. 'You have published a book called "Illusion," said Vincent, going straight to the point in his impatience. 'I want to know if you feel at liberty to give me any information as to its author? Mr. Fladgate's eyebrows went up, and the vertical fold between them deepened. 'Information, he repeated. 'Oh, dear me, no; it is not our practice, really.

He looked confused and said nothing. Mr. Fladgate's patience began to tire. 'We don't seem to be making any way, do we? he said, with rather affected pleasantry. 'I'm afraid I must ask you to come to a decision on this without any more delay. Here is the manuscript you sent us. If the real author is dead we are compelled to return it with much regret.

Fladgate's mind misgave him at the last moment as to his own first suggestion, and it was finally settled that the book should be called 'Illusion, which suited Mark quite as well as anything else.