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"With this intention Hardquanonne performed on him the operation, Bucca fissa usque ad aures, which stamps an everlasting laugh upon the face. "The child, by means known only to Hardquanonne, was put to sleep and made insensible during its performance, knowing nothing of the operation which he underwent. "He does not know that he is Lord Clancharlie. "He answers to the name of Gwynplaine.

"This fact is the result of his youth, and the slight powers of memory he could have had when he was bought and sold, being then barely two years old. "Hardquanonne is the only person who knows how to perform the operation Bucca fissa, and the said child is the only living subject upon which it has been essayed.

S. DOUGLASII. Douglas's Spiraea. North-west America. This has long, obovate-lanceolate leaves, that are white with down on the under surface, and bears dense, oblong, terminal panicles of rosy flowers. Flowering in July. The variety was introduced from California in 1859. S. FISSA. Split-leaved Spiraea. Mexico, 1839.

He turned the pages with his thumb, stopped at a certain one, opened the book wide on the stove, and read, "'De Denasatis, it is here." And he continued, "Bucca fissa usque ad aures, genezivis denudatis, nasoque murdridato, masca eris, et ridebis semper." "There it is for certain." Then he replaced the book on one of the shelves, growling.

Singularly enough too, while Roger devotes to the operation for the cure of hernia nearly half a page of his text, Gilbert dismisses the whole subject in a single sentence, as follows: Scindatur igitur totus exitus super hac cute exteriori cum carne fissa, et uatur y fac cum file serice et acu quadrata. He adds also: "Some doubt the propriety of using the term hernia for an inflation.