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Figgis, however, came in at the moment to say that lunch was ready, and she delayed them all very much by a long, ineffectual search for it, during which Figgis, with a visible effort, held up the sable coat, so that it was displayed to the utmost advantage. And then, only fancy, Susan discovered that it was in her sable muff all the time!

"Looks as if he did get out at Falmer," said Wilkinson. Figgis took a long time to consider this. "It is possible," he said. "It is also possible that he put his luggage into the train in London, and subsequently missed the train himself." Then together they went through the papers that might conceivably help them.

For some reason this was rather a shock to Mr. "My partner took home with him on Tuesday a paper, which is concerned with my business," he said. "Would you kindly let me look round for it?" Mr. Figgis weighed this request. "Nothing must be removed from the rooms," he said, "till we have finished our search." "Search for what?" asked Mr. Taynton. "Any possible clue as to the reason of Mr.

Still, I am prepared to own that I started for the city in but low spirits, and with no inclination to join in the frivolous conversation that was going on in the railway carriage. On arriving at the office I was surprised to find that Figgis, our head clerk, was not there. He gave me the tonic port, and was inclined to be dictatorial, but I must confess that he was always a most punctual man.

Sam Figgis came forward then and said something to Stephen, and then shrugged his shoulders and went back to his wife. He seemed to feel that no one could interfere between the two men it was too late for interference. Then things happened very quickly.