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Finally, in medium-sized or large towns, the dead-lock produced by collective dismissals, the pell-mell of improvised appointments, and the sudden renewal of an entire set of officials, threw into the administration, willingly or not, a lot of pretended Jacobins who, at heart, are Girondists or Feuillantists, but who, having been excessively long-winded, are assigned offices on account of their stump-speeches, and who thenceforth sit alongside of the worst Jacobins, in the worst employment.

Now, not counting the Royalists, Feuillantists, Girondists, Hebertists, Dantonists, and others already decapitated or imprisoned according to their merit, how many traitors still remain in the Convention, on the Committees, amongst the representatives on mission, in the administrative bodies not properly weeded out, amongst petty tyrannical underlings and the entire ruling, influential class at Paris and in the provinces?

This constitutes a loss to France of 146,000 Frenchmen, and not those of the least importance gentlemen, army and navy officers, members of parliaments, priests, prominent men of all classes, conscientious Catholics, liberals of 1789, Feuillantists of the Legislative assembly, and Constitutionalists of the years III and V. Worse still, through their poverty or hostility abroad, they are a discredit or even a danger for France, as formerly with the Protestants driven out of the country by Louis XIV. To these 146,000 exiled Frenchmen add 200,000 or 300,000 others, residents, but semi-proscribed: First, those nearly related and allied to each emigre, excluded by the law from "every legislative, administrative, municipal and judicial function," and even deprived of the elective vote.

because the future laborers in this immense work, from the village mayor to the state-senator and state-councilor, had borne a part in the Revolution, either in effecting it or under subjection to it Monarchists, Feuillantists, Girondists, Montagnards, Thermidorians, moderate Jacobins or desperate Jacobins, all oppressed in turn and disappointed in their calculations.