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"Silence, gintlemen," said he; "legite, perlegite, et relegite study, gintlemen, study pluck the tree of knowledge, I say, while the fruit is in season. Denny O'Shaughnessy, what are you facetious for? Quid rides, Dionysi And so, Pether is Pettier your pronomen quo nomine gowdes? Silence, boys! perhaps he was at Latin before, and we'll try him quo nomine gowdes, Pethre?"

Darby, although your mug wants an ear, it can hold the full of it. Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, that old family cruiskeen ought to be with your husband: but no matther non constat Eh? Dionysi? Intelligible?" "Intelligo, domine." "Here then is health, success, and prosperity to Mr.

The first, who is thought to be the mother of the winged Cupid, is the daughter of Jupiter and Proserpine. The second, who is more known, is daughter of the third Jupiter and of Latona. The third, whom the Greeks often call by her father's name, is the daughter of Upis and Glauce. There are many also of the Dionysi. The first was the son of Jupiter and Proserpine.

"I thank you, Father Finnerty," said Denis, "and I thank you all!" "Denis, avourneen," said his mother, "sit down an' ate a hearty dinner; you must be both tired and hungry, so sit down, avick, and when you're done you can tell us all." "Bonum concilium, mi chare Dionysi the advice is good, Mrs.