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To most of us it envisages itself merely as a curious tropical fruit, largely imported at Covent Garden, and a capital thing to stick on one of the tall dessert-dishes when you give a dinner-party, because it looks delightfully foreign, and just serves to balance the pine-apple at the opposite end of the hospitable mahogany.

There were golden vases with handles, golden tankards, golden dessert-dishes filled with splendid fruits; silver plates and goblets and drinking-cups, and beside them stood crystal flasks. Hundreds of chairs were placed round the table, and in every place was a little silver knife and a plate. Peter could not gaze long enough.

Laura and her step-sister left the room soon after dinner: and the two men remained alone at the long, ponderous-looking dinner-table, on which the sparkling diamond-cut decanters and Sevres dessert-dishes looked like tiny vases of light and colour on a dreary waste of polished mahogany. "I shall go to Maudesley Abbey to-morrow," Henry Dunbar said.

He was thinking of this as he sat by the companion-way, in the silence, unobserved. Three Bells! He rose and going to the open transom, looked down into the cabin. The long dinner table had been relieved of dessert-dishes, but the after-dinner bottles were there in profusion, and cigar-boxes and cigarettes within convenient reach; it was an odd scene; a picture of confusion in a dead calm.

No woman a lady friend, whom we are always happy to consult, assures us makes mistakes in her own métier no woman trusses game and garnishes dessert-dishes with the same hands, or talks of so doing in the same breath.