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It is interesting to see how old questions are incidentally settled in the course of these new investigations. Thus, Mr. Clarke's dissections, confirmed by preparations of Mr. Dean's which I have myself examined, placed the fact of the decussation of the pyramids denied by Haller, by Morgagni, and even by Stilling beyond doubt.

By this experiment, therefore, as well as by the former computation, it was evident that the difference of the incidence of rays flowing from divers parts of the sun could not make them after decussation diverge at a sensibly greater angle than that at which they before converged; which being, at most, but about 31' or 32', there still remained some other cause to be found out, from whence it could be 2 degrees 49'."

The fine ribs that cross the whorls are not present on the wings, nor on the back; they are nodulated at their decussation with the raised striae. The wing-like varices of the whorls overlap each other alternately on each side of the shell. The only species to which it has affinity is the R. pulchra. Scalaria jukesiana. Tab. 3 fig. 7. Long. 13, Diam. max. 14, apert 3 mill.