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Janamejaya said, "Why did the sage Sarasvata, O thou of ascetic merit, teach the Vedas unto the Rishis during a twelve years' drought?" Vaishampayana continued, "In days of yore, O monarch, there was an intelligent sage of great ascetic merit. He was celebrated by the name of Dadhica. Possessing a complete control over his senses, he led the life of a brahmacari.

"Meanwhile, on the occasion of a war between the gods and the Danavas, Shakra wandered through the three worlds in search of weapons. The great god, however, failed to find such weapons as were fit to slay the foes of the celestials. Shakra then said unto the gods. 'The great Asuras are incapable of being dealt with by me! Indeed, without the bones of Dadhica, our foes could not be slain!

Of stout limbs and possessed of great energy, Dadhica had been made the strongest of creatures in the world. The puissant Dadhica, celebrated for his glory, became tall like the king of mountains. The chastiser of Paka had always been anxious on account of his energy.

Ye best of celestials, repair, therefore, to that foremost of Rishis and solicit him, saying, "Grant us, O Dadhica, thy bones! With them we will slay our foes!" "Besought by them for his bones, that foremost of Rishis, O chief of Kuru's race, unhesitatingly gave up his life. Having done what was agreeable to the gods, the sage obtained many regions of inexhaustible merit.

Gratified with the River, the great ascetic Dadhica then gave a boon to her, saying, 'The Vishvadevas, the Rishis, and all the tribes of the Gandharvas and the Apsaras, will henceforth, O blessed one, derive great happiness when oblations of thy water are presented unto them! "Having said so unto that great river, the sage, gratified and filled with joy, then praised her in these words.

With his bones, meanwhile, Shakra joyfully caused to be made many kinds of weapons, such as thunderbolts, discs, heavy maces, and many kinds of clubs and bludgeons. Equal unto the Creator himself, Dadhica, had been begotten by the great rishi Bhrigu, the son of the Lord of all creatures, with the aid of his austere penances.