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After the cuttings-up of last night and the night before I'm quits. Maybe Charley Cox can afford to get himself talked about because he's Charley Cox, but a girl like me with a job to hold down, and the way ma and Ida Bell were sitting up in their nightgowns, green around the gills, when I got home last night nix!

"Now, padre, I have got something to amuse me. You do just as I tell you, and we'll checkmate this quiet game. "We are not on the bedrock yet, but we've struck the vein. Don't you say a word to a living soul here. "I'll have that maid watched, and tell Vimont to give you all the particulars of her cuttings-up. "She's not the master-mind of this. She has never been to the convent.

The king refused to grant the request of his sons, and bade them go ahead with their roué enterprises so long as they did not enter into competition with him. So they went to Paris, where their cuttings-up were not noticed. The queen took their side, as also did Louis of France and William, King of Scotland.

The historian very truly but inelegantly says, if memory serves the writer accurately, that Godwin was such a political straddle-bug that he early abandoned the use of pantaloons and returned to the toga, which was the only garment able to stand the strain of his political cuttings-up.

A king who would permit such cruel cuttings-up as these wicked animals were guilty of on the fair face of old England, should live in history only as an invertebrate, a royal failure, a decayed mollusk, and the dropsical head of a tottering dynasty.