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He saw Kate coming down the glen road, driving two heifers with a cushag for switch and flashing its gold at them in the horizontal gleams of sunset. She had recovered her good-humour, and was swinging along, singing merry snatches as she came all life, all girlish blood and beauty. She pretended not to see him until they were abreast, and the heifers were going into the yard.

Immediately behind there was the tramp of people walking with an even step, and on either side the rustle of an irregular crowd. The morning was warm and beautiful. Here and there the last of the golden cushag glistened on the hedges with the first of the autumn gorse.

"Because we have a saying in our island that it's only the ass that eats the cushag" a bitter weed that grows in barren places. Alma joined in the general laughter which followed this rather intemperate reply, and then led off the conversation On the incidents of the cruise. "I say, Jimmy," cried Mr. Vivian in his shrill treble, "do you remember the old gal in the gauze who etc . . . ?"

The scutch grass, the long rat-tail, and the golden cushag were swishing against his riding-breeches and her print dress. "I must tell her now," he thought. In the narrow places she went first, and he followed with a lagging step, trying to begin. "Better prepare her," he thought. But he could think of no commonplace leading up to what he wished to say.