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Father Croiset exclaims: "Oh! the beautiful and rich crowns which God prepares for a religious who inspires little children with a horror of vice and a love of virtue! . . . What sweet consolation will be experienced at the moment of death by the religious when he beholds coming to his aid those souls whom he has helped to save."

"Here's one of July thirty-first; an advertisement of the Croiset Line tours to the Orient. Listen here, Bert: 'Whither can guilt flee that vengeance, may not follow?" "I can't quite see Robinson in the part of guilt," mused Bertram. "What's next?" "More veiled accusation. The medium is a church society announcement of a lecture on Japanese Feudalism. Date, August seventeenth.

How many Frenchmen know Pierron's translation of Aeschylus, or Patin's studies in Greek tragedies, or Charles Maguin, or Maurice Croiset, or Paul Magou or Leconte de Lisle? while in England the mass of the people not only do not know the names of their scholars, but distrust all mental processes that are super-canine.

"He was," said Croiset, the historian of Greek literature, "the first Greek prose writer who could speak to God and of God to man with the ardent piety and reverence of the Jewish prophets." It is a serious misconception to imagine that Philo's philosophical allegories were meant for the general body of Alexandrian Jews.

It is interesting to remark the inquisitorial sentimentality of the official agents and the low stage of culture. The said Croiset, gendarme, went with the national agent into the houses of citizens in arrears, of whom, amongst those in arrears, nobody refused but Jean Mauchin, whom we could not keep from talking against him, seeing that he is wholly egoist and only wants for himself.