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Eudora, in her haste, would have stepped across the springs that bubbled from the rocks; but Milza held her back, saying, "Did you never hear that these brooks are Creuesa's tears? When the unhappy daughter of Erectheus left her infant in this cave to perish, she wept as she departed; and Phoebus, her immortal lover, changed her tears to rills.

She shuddered to remember the lizards and other reptiles she had seen crawling, through the day; but the universal fear of entering Creuesa's grotto after nightfall, promised safety from human intrusion; and the desolate maiden laid herself down to repose, in such a state of mind that she would have welcomed a poisonous reptile, if it brought the slumbers of death.

In consequence of this information, men were instantly ordered in pursuit, with orders to lie in wait for the fugitives, if they could not be overtaken before morning. When Geta left Creuesa's Grotto, he was seized before he reached the house of Clinias. Milza knew nothing of these proceedings, but had remained anxiously waiting till the day was half spent.

It happened, fortunately, that the residence of Artaphernes stood behind the temple of Asclepius, at a short distance from Creuesa's Grotto; and they felt assured that no one would think of searching for them within the dwelling of the Persian stranger. They arrived at the gate without question or hindrance; but found it fastened.