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It went agin' the grain wid me to tell him the lie, so I had to invint a bit o' truth to keep my conscience clear; for sure there was not a man among us that could tell him, barrin' we said that we oughtn't to say. Doesn't all the world know that a man oughtn't to condimn himself?

"Why, sir, there's a phrase in Corderius's Colloquies that I could condimn you from, if I had the book."

It's like sayin', 'I'll now turn my heart bekase God has deserved it at my hands. Still, dear, I'm not goin' to condimn you, only I think it's betther an' safer to love an' obey God for His own sake! blessed be His holy name!" Young O'Brien was forcibly struck by the uncommon character of Honor O'Donovan.

'No brother is to strike another, knowing him to be such; he's to strike him hem! neither in fair nor market, at home nor abroad, neither in public nor in private, neither on Sunday nor week-day, present or absent, nor " "I condimn that," observed the other master "I condimn it, as bein' too latitudinarian in principle, an' containing a para-dogma; besides it's bad grammar."