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If she came late in the morning, she stayed late at night; and it sometimes happened that when the Paron and Parona, supposing her gone, made a stealthy expedition to the kitchen for cold chicken, they found her there at midnight in the fell company of the Cognata, bibbing the wine of the country and holding a mild Italian revel with that vinegar and the stony bread of Venice.

She knelt down by her, embraced her and called her by her name, but there was no reply. She kissed her and called "Bradamante," still there was no reply. She fondled her, and called her her "dolce cognata," her sweet sister-in-law and at length Bradamante raised herself with an effort, recognized Marfisa and saying, "Farewell, sister, I am dying," fell back and expired.

Not more pleasing, though altogether lighter and cheerfuler, was Giovanna's sister-in-law, whom we knew only as the Cognata. Making her appearance first upon the occasion of Giovanna's sickness, she slowly but surely established herself as an habitual presence, and threatened at one time, as we fancied, to become our paid servant.

But a happy calamity which one night carried off a carpet and the window curtains of an unoccupied room, cast an evil suspicion upon the Cognata, and she never appeared after the discovery of the theft. We suspected her of having invented some dishes of which we were very fond, and we hated her for oppressing us with a sense of many surreptitious favors.

Rursum de ciuitate sanctae Ierusalem versus Occidentem itinere leucae, habetur pulchra satis Ecclesia, in loco vbi dicitur creuisse arbor crucis salutiferae. Hinc ad duas leucas est et alia Ecclesia, vbi obuiauerunt sibi Maria virgo, et Elizabeth eius cognata, et ad saluationem Mariae Christi baiulae exultauit Iohannes in vtero Elisabeth grauidae.