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Despite its fantastic appearance, the Devilkin is instantly recognized by the Tachytes as a Mantid and therefore as game falling within her scope. In exchange for her Cleonus, give to the Great Cerceris a Buprestis, the delight of one of her near kinsfolk. She will have nothing to say to the sumptuous dish. Accept that! She, a Weevil-eater! Never in this world!

The refusal of each to attack respectively her Cleonus or her Cricket discouraged further progress in this direction. I was wrong to abandon my attempts so soon. Now, very long afterwards, the idea occurs to me to place under glass the Bee-eating Philanthus, whom I sometimes surprise in the open engaged in forcing a bee to disgorge her honey.

Present her with a Cleonus of a different species, or any other large Weevil, of a sort which she has most probably never seen before, since it does not figure on the inventory of the provisions in her burrows. This time there is no show of disdain: the victim is seized and stabbed in the regulation manner and forthwith stored away.

The short-legged Beetles, trotting along with tiny steps, ought, one would think, to make up in cunning, more fully than the others, for their incapacity for rapid flight. The facts do not correspond with this apparently well-founded forecast. I have consulted the genera Chrysomela, Blatta, Silpha, Cleonus, Bolboceras, Cetonia, Hoplia, Coccinella, and so on.