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Nor do the services of the Philozoon end here; for during sunlight it is constantly evolving nascent oxygen directly into the surrounding animal protoplasm, and thus we have actually foreign chlorophyl performing the respiratory function of native haemoglobin!

Thus, then, the coloring matter described as chlorophyl by Lankester has really been mainly derived from that of the endodermal algae of the variety plumosa, which predominates at Naples; while the anthea-green of Krukenberg must mainly consist of the green pigment of the ectoderm, since the Trieste variety evidently does not contain algae in any great quantity.

"This machine first manufactures chlorophyl yes, it does," as the doctor snorted incredulously; "not an imitation, but real chlorophyl and then transforms the various elements into starch, sugar, and proteids through the agency of the sunlight recovered from the granite. "In short, to answer your question, Mr.

They branch but sparingly, or not at all, and are characterized by consisting of a single long tube or cell, not divided by septa, as in the case of the great majority of the filamentous algæ. These tubular filaments are composed of a nearly transparent cellulose wall, including an inner layer thickly studded with bright green granules of chlorophyl.

The juice was of a light green color, very turbid, evidently caused by a large amount of chlorophyl.

Our results were totally negative, but so far as Bonellia was concerned this was not to be wondered at since the later spectroscopic investigations of Sorby and Schenk had fully confirmed the opinion of Lacaze-Duthiers as to the complete distinctness of its pigment from chlorophyl.