United States or Bahamas ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And it is a racial stock that shows no signs of dying out. What then? I suppose indeed there must be backward races, to house backward egos; though for that matter you would think that our Londons and Chicagos and the rest, with their slums, would provide a good deal of accommodation.

And there's more Gopher Prairies than there are Chicagos. Or Londons. And I'll tell you the whole story: They think you're showing off when you say 'American' instead of 'Ammurrican. They think you're too frivolous. Life's so serious to them that they can't imagine any kind of laughter except Juanita's snortling. Ethel Villets was sure you were patronizing her when " "Oh, I was not!"

Your native features, your native accents, have returned in such force from abroad, or have thronged here in such multitude from the prospering Pittsburgs, Cincinnatis, Chicagos, St. Louises, and San Franciscos of the West, that you feel as much at home in Fifth Avenue as you would in Piccadilly, or in the Champs Elysées, or on the Pincian Hill. Yes, it is very curious."

Tried him with a different question every day for a week. Always answered quick, and always answered wrong. Found that he was a base-ball rooter and had been handing out the batting averages of the Chicagos for his answers. Seems that when I used to see him busy figuring with his pencil he was working out where Anson stood on the list. He's not in Who's Who in the Stock Yards any more, you bet.