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She even thanks to the employment by Chalks of what he called his 'inflooence' she even contributed a weekly column of Paris gossip to the Palladium, a newspaper published at Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A., Chalks's native town. 'Put in lots about me, and talk as if there were only two important centres of civilisation on earth, Battle Crick and Parus, and it'll be a boom, Chalks said.

My portrait, with a short biographical sketch, appeared in the Illustrated Gazette not a month ago. My works have been translated into French, German, Russian, and Italian. Of "The Card Dealer," upwards of thirty thousand copies have been sold in Great Britain alone. 'Ah, then you could well afford to stand us drinks, was Chalks's cheerful commentary.

By and by we plunged into a dark hallway, climbed a long, unsavoury, corkscrew staircase, and knocked at a door. A gruff voice having answered, ''Trez! we entered Chalks's bare, bleak, paint-smelling studio. Then he demanded, in a sort of grunt, 'Eh bien, qu'est ce que c'est? always without pausing in his work or looking round.

'Anybody know the duffer with the hair? This question, started by Charles K. Smith, of Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A., and commonly called in the Latin Quarter by his sobriquet of Chalks, went our rounds in an undertone; and everybody answered, 'No. 'What is it? Can it talk? 'Pears like it can hear and catch on, was Chalks's next remark. 'Shall we work the growler on it?