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When we reach Ch'i-Chow, I will give you a little money, and you must escape in the confusion of the disembarkation. You shall rejoin your parents, and we will arrange for our marriage. If, by any chance, my parents were to refuse, we should tell the truth. My family has always loved me excessively; they will certainly accede."

And he, for his part, forbade them to give her so much another time, fearing that she would burst. At mid-day he went himself to speak to her. She began to weep: her mother took her part; and they gave way to her. The evening meal was just as large. They were approaching Ch'i-Chow, and Ho Chang, who was really alarmed, ordered his boatmen to cast anchor near the town.

I cannot conceal from you that my appetite is considerable. The three meals which I have had to-day seem scarcely a mouthful. On such a diet, I shall starve before we come to Ch'i-Chow." "Why did you not say so? I shall make them bring me more to-morrow." "But are you not afraid of rousing suspicion?" "That is nothing. I shall see to it. But how much would you need?"

The noise awakened the lovers, who heard the men say: "The ship catches the wind rarely. We shall not be long in getting to Ch'i-Chow." They looked at each other in dismay: "What are we going to do now?" "Hush!" said she. You must remain hidden for the moment. We will at last find a plan." "It is our dream come true."