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Unfortunately it was during the winter time, and the task I had assigned him would, I knew, be attended with considerable risk in beating along that dangerous and stormy coast. Mr. Cannan arrived at Streaky Bay on the 27th September, but was disappointed in finding Mr.

He was as yet, however, of too tender an age to set out on the journey of life; but when he was about eleven years old, Adam Murray, one of his most intimate acquaintances, having gone off to serve an apprenticeship in Lancashire with Mr. Cannan of Chowbent, himself a native of the district, the event again awakened in him a strong desire to migrate from Knocknalling.

On the following morning the boy began his apprenticeship as a carpenter with the firm of Cannan and Smith, serving seven years for his meat and clothing. He applied himself to his trade, and became a good, steady workman. He was thoughtful and self-improving, always endeavouring to acquire knowledge of new arts and to obtain insight into new machines.

Cannan did not proceed farther to the westward than Fowler's Bay, and that he did not therefore prolong his survey to the western limits of the Colony, by a distance of about five leagues, since the 132 degrees meridian falls on that coast a little to the westward of Cape Adieu, and between 12 and 15 leagues from the bottom of the Great Australian Bight.

Boni & Liveright. 5. #Johnson.# Under the Rose. Harper. 6. #Sedgwick.# Christmas Roses. Houghton Mifflin. 7. #Smith.# Pagan. Scribner. 8. Society of Arts and Sciences. #O. Henry# Prize Stories, 1919. Houghton Mifflin. 10. #Yezierska.# Hungry Hearts. Houghton Mifflin. 1. #Beerbohm.# Seven Men. Knopf. 2. #Cannan.# Windmills. Huebsch. 3. #Dunsany.# Tales of Three Hemispheres.