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'I don't know how I happened to think of it but since we have been talking about going, it has seemed to me that if we were to push against that little carved knob in the wall, it would open a passage into the room outside. Shall we try it? 'Yes, said Calladon; 'it can do no harm to see whether you are right, at all events. So they went to the knob, and Calladon gave it a push.

I can tell you all you need to know about yourself. But I think we had better attend to getting away from here now. There seems to be a hole through the wall just where we are standing. It must lead into the next room. 'Let us creep through then, said Calladon. 'That flying creature will not be likely to follow us there; and as well as I can see, it looks more comfortable there than here.

'But then could I not light a little lamp of my own, to see my way about? Calladon inquired. 'Yes, you might do so, the Master replied. 'But such a lamp would in time burn out, and then you could never again relight it, and you would be lost. 'I should not like that! exclaimed Calladon.

'If harm comes, you will have no right to blame her, the Master answered; 'but if good comes, you will have no right to take the credit to yourself. 'Well, said Calladon, after thinking awhile, 'the safest thing will be not to think of myself at all. 'There is one thing more, said the Master, before taking leave of him.

In short, nothing could be more delightful and satisfactory than were all the arrangements in Abra; and, up to the time he was seven years old, Calladon had never wished for anything that it could not give him. Sometimes he would amuse himself with looking through the alabaster walls into the outer rooms, Cada and Bra.