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But it was of no avail. And this couple had lived upon potatoes and butter-milk all their lives!

This gives him little uneasiness, provided, at his arrival, she is sufficiently recovered to attend him with a bowl of butter-milk. Nothing can be more haughty than an Arab's behaviour to his wife, and nothing more humble than that of a wife in the presence of her husband.

I made a pound of butter yesterday, just to try what I could do; but it's not firm, Jacob. How is that?" "I have seen the women make butter, and know how, Alice; so next time I will be with you. I suppose you did not wash your butter-milk well out, nor put any salt in it?" "I did not put any salt in it." "But you must, or the butter will not keep."

"Not one cent, or mother either." "Well, what of it?" exclaimed Don. "Brace up and be a man, Dave. A ten-dollar bill is not an everlasting fortune." "I know it isn't much to you, but it is a good deal to me. You don't know what the loss of it means. It means corn-bread and butter-milk for breakfast, dinner and supper." "Well, what of that?" said Don, again.