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During the evening two men, engaged for the purpose, had carried Noirtier from Valentine's room into his own, and contrary to all expectation there was no difficulty in withdrawing him from his child. The Abbe Busoni had watched till daylight, and then left without calling any one.

Some two years later Caspar Caderousse, the keeper of an inn near Beaucaire, was lounging listlessly at his door, when a traveller on horseback dismounted at his door and entered. The visitor Monte Cristo gave the name of Abbe Busoni, and astonished Caderousse by showing a minute knowledge of his earlier history.

We shall probably close up our house here and go to Italy in the autumn. Living is very cheap in Bologna; one can rent a real palace for about $250 a year." Mme. Busoni now invited us to inspect other parts of the house. We passed to the adjoining room, which contains many rare old prints and paintings and quaint old furniture "everything old," as Mme. Busoni said, with a smile.

"Yes," said Monte Cristo "you were a major; that is the title the French give to the post which you filled in Italy." "Very good," said the major, "I do not demand more, you understand" "Your visit here to-day is not of your own suggestion, is it?" said Monte Cristo. "No, certainly not." "You were sent by some other person?" "Yes." "By the excellent Abbe Busoni?"