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I have no doubt that the above opinions are correct, for we have now three distinct sizes of Smolts in the river exclusive of Bramblings, the largest of which are nearly four ounces in weight, and are all males, as they contain milt in October and November.

After about an hour of red haziness the sun pierced the bank of mist and shone out gloriously, almost as in summer; the birds, ready to snatch a moment's joy, were flitting about tweeting and calling, a water-wagtail took a bath in a shallow pool of a stream, and a great flock of bramblings, rare visitors in those parts, paused in their migration to hold a chattering conference round an old elder tree.

Then there are birds which are common enough in England in the winter, but which mostly go away to Norwegian breeding-grounds, such as geese, ducks, woodcock, and snipe; while bramblings, fieldfares, and redwings are birds of the North, and never nest in Great Britain. And, on the other hand, some of our common resident birds migrate from Norway in the winter.

The flocks of Finches gradually decrease and we observe the males scattering in different directions in search of territories; we watch the summer migrants on their way small parties halting for a few hours in the hedgerows and then continuing their journey, single individuals alighting on trees and bushes and resting there for a few minutes, and the constant passage of flocks of various dimensions at various altitudes; and we see Fieldfares, Redwings, and Bramblings slowly making their way from the south and the west to their homes in the far north.

All the fishermen here are of opinion that the female Smolts remain one year, and the males two years, before they go down to the sea. The Bramblings are supposed to be Smolts which remain a year longer than the usual time; they are few in number, and are generally taken with the May fly.