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The number of genera of Monte Bolca fish is, according to Agassiz, no less than seventy-five, twenty of them peculiar to that locality, and only eight common to the antecedent Cretaceous period. No less than forty-seven out of the seventy-five genera make their appearance for the first time in the Monte Bolca rocks, none of them having been met with as yet in the antecedent formations.

I have been able to determine to what family all the doubtful genera belong; indeed Sheppy will prove as rich in species as Mont Bolca. When you see your specimens again you will hardly recognize them, they are so changed; I have chiseled and cleaned them, until they are almost like anatomical preparations. Try to procure as many more specimens as possible and send them to me.

Azores. Lower Miocene Volcanic Rocks. Isle of Mull. Staffa and Antrim. The Eifel. Upper and Lower Miocene Volcanic Rocks of Auvergne. Hill of Gergovia. Eocene Volcanic Rocks of Monte Bolca. Trap of Cretaceous Period. Oolitic Period. Triassic Period. Permian Period. Carboniferous Period. Erect Trees buried in Volcanic Ash in the Island of Arran. Old Red Sandstone Period. Silurian Period.

I will send you the volumes as soon as they appear, in octavo. I devoured your fourth number; the plates are almost finer than the previous ones; and the text, though I have only looked it through hastily, interested me deeply, especially the analytical catalogue of Bolca, and the more general and very philosophical views of fishes in general, pages 57-64.