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She will begin to think we are using her." "She won't mind; she's so good-natured." "Well, then," the mother summed up, "there are four Laphams, five Coreys, four Bellinghams, one Chase, and one Kingsbury fifteen. Oh! and two Sewells. Seventeen. Ten ladies and seven gentlemen. It doesn't balance very well, and it's too large." "Perhaps some of the ladies won't come," suggested Lily.

It happened that, by rare good luck, Tom Bellingham of the Bellinghams of Assequin, not the Bellinghams of Bellemeade, who indeed immigrated after the War of 1812 and have never been regarded as securely established from a social standpoint, was at this time in pecuniary difficulties on account of having signed another person's name to a cheque.

"The practical question is," said I, "what is going to happen? and what can be done for the Bellinghams?" "The probability is," Thorndyke replied, "that the next move will be made by Hurst. He is the party immediately interested. He will probably apply to the Court for permission to presume death and administer the will." "And what will the Court do?" Thorndyke smiled drily.

But the evidence of the scarab is vitiated by the fact that Hurst was present when it was picked up, and that it was found on a spot over which Hurst had passed only a few minutes previously. Until Hurst is cleared, it seems to me that the presence of the scarab proves nothing against the Bellinghams."