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"Yes, sir; a few lines more, and I will read them: 'Respecting Kuriyan Muriyan Bay, Captain S.B. Haines, I.N., remarks that the sudden change of winds, termed by the Arabs Belat, and which blow with great violence for several days, are much dreaded; but what surprised me more than these land winds were the frequent and heavy gales from the S.S.W. during February and March, blowing for six days together."

Filled with alarm at the sight of the enemy, he sent a hasty appeal to Suwarrow to come to his aid. The Russian general had just rejoined his army after recovering from a wound. The news of Coburg's peril reached him at Belat, in Moldavia, between forty and fifty miles away, and these miles of mountains, ravines, and almost impassable wilds.

The quarters lying to the north of the street El Belat, extending to the north of the mosque, as far as the gate El Djoma, are: El Hamata, Zogag el Habs, Zogag Ankyny, Zogag es' Semahedy, Haret el Meyda, Haret es' Shershoura, Zogag el Bedour, Haret el Agowat, where the eunuchs of the mosque live.

Another considerable street, called El Belat, runs from the mosque to the Syrian gate; but many of its houses are in ruins: this contains also a few shops, but none are found in other parts of the town; thus differing from Mekka, which is one continued market. In general, the latter is much more like an Arab town than Medina, which resembles more a Syrian city.