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It was analogous to the story that Lincoln was the natural son of various paternities from time to time assigned to him. I had my share in running that calumny to cover. It was a lie out of whole cloth with nothing whatever to support or excuse it. I reached the bottom of it to discover proof of its baselessness abundant and conclusive.

And here he learned from the councilors, some of whom he knew, that indeed, as his first instinct had already told him, the story of the passport was only made up. At Kohlhaas's request, the annoyed councilors gave him a written certificate of its baselessness, and the horse-dealer smiled at the lean Squire's joke, although he did not quite see what purpose he could have had in view.

But I felt so sharply the baselessness of what I was saying that I stopped of myself, without his deigning me an answer, and I then added "What one has lost at one time may be found again at another!" He fiercely rebuked me "Confess to me, sir, confess to me, how became you deprived of your shadow!" I was compelled again to lie.

She had asked herself the question, 'Am I so wicked in my thoughts as to conceive a wickedness that others cannot imagine? Then she had considered, Did the suspicion come of her previous recoiling from him before the fact? And if so, was not that a proof of its baselessness?

I was deposed, but in the meantime, the baselessness of the charges brought against me having been proved, I was appointed rector at Olmutz, and Father Provincial assured me with tears that I had been unjustly treated.