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"Ah Wilton, my boy," cried the Colonel, as he rode up, "I am glad to see you. You are not behind your time, but there is an impatience upon me now that made me set off early. I am glad I did, for I have not been on my horse's back for a fortnight; and there is something in poor Barbary's motion that gives me back a part of my former lightness of heart."

Don't distress yourself; it's of no use. Mrs. Rachael, I needn't inform you who were acquainted with the late Miss Barbary's affairs, that her means die with her and that this young lady, now her aunt is dead " "My aunt, sir!" "It is really of no use carrying on a deception when no object is to be gained by it," said Mr. Kenge smoothly, "Aunt in fact, though not in law. Don't distress yourself!

First, will your ladyship allow me to ask you whether you have had any strange visitors this morning? I don't mean fashionable visitors, but such visitors, for instance, as Miss Barbary's old servant, or as a person without the use of his lower extremities, carried upstairs similarly to a guy?" "No!" "Then I assure your ladyship that such visitors have been here and have been received here.

"Take him by the tail, and fling him on the muck-heap beneath the window!" 'Thereof I acquit Whittington, who never was thankless to man or brute, said King Henry. 'Moreover, his cat, or her grandchildren, must be now in high preferment at the King of Barbary's Court. 'A marvellous beast is that cat, said James.