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Merrifield and Susan were still a good deal excited about Arthurine's complimentary friend, who they said seemed to belong to Fred Mytton, of whom some of the ladies had been telling most unpleasant reports, and there was much lamentation over the set into which their young neighbour had thrown herself. 'Such a dress too! sighed Mrs. Merrifield.

'I will try and get a confession out of him, and send him off, though it is a pity that such a fellow should get off scot-free. 'Oh, never mind, so that my poor Arthurine's name is not brought forward! We can never be grateful enough for your kindness. It was so late that the Admiral did not come back that night, and the ladies were at breakfast when he appeared again.

'A whisper to you, Miss Merrifield they are going back with me, to be prepared for governesses at Arthurine's expense. It is the only thing for them in the crash that young man has brought on the family. 'Dear, good Arthurine! She only needed to learn how to carry her cup. MR. A. So, my dear good child, you will come back to me, and do what you can for the lonely old man!

There was nothing underbred about themselves; both were ladies ingrain, though Arthurine was abrupt and sometimes obtrusive, but they had not lived a life such as to render them sensitive to the lack of fine edges in others, and were quite ready to be courted by those who gave the meed of appreciation that both regarded as Arthurine's just portion. Mr.