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The Colorados made the Orientals sick of it, when that arch-traitor and chief of cut-throats, General Rivera, desolated the Banda for ten years. We must ride on to Montevideo soon. As for the character of my force, that is a matter it would perhaps be useless to discuss, my young friend. If I could import a well-equipped and disciplined army from Europe to do my fighting, I should do so.

Our people can take it they will take it and Scott, the arch-traitor, and Lincoln, the Beast, combined, cannot prevent it.

They had a long and bitter conversation with Don John, who complained, more furiously than ever of the conspiracies against his person, and of the intrigues of Orange. He insisted that this arch-traitor had been sowing the seed of his damnable doctrines broadcast through the Netherlands; that the earth was groaning with a daily ripening harvest of rebellion and heresy.

But notwithstanding the heinousness of the accomplished crime, not a man was punished. It is doubtful whether popular opinion would have approved the punishment of even the arch-traitor, Jeff Davis. The common sentiment was expressed by the oft-repeated verdict: "Enough of blood has been shed." Whether this was wise or not it is vain to inquire.

I shall thank you to take every soldier in the fort Italian, Spaniard, and Irish and hang them up as high as Haman, for a set of mutinous cowards, with the arch-traitor San Josepho at their head." "I am obliged to you for your offer, sir, and shall deliberate presently as to whether I shall not accept it."