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"Yes," Fairchild said, in spite of aching fatigue and heavy eyes. The doctor nodded. "Good. I don't know whether he 's going to pull through or not. Of course, I can't say but it looks to me from his breathing and his heart action that he 's not suffering as much from this wound as he is from some sort of poisoning. "We 've given him apomorphine and it should begin to take effect soon.

Apomorphine is not allied in physiological action to morphine, and may be given in cases of narcotic poisoning. Sulphate of zinc, salt-and-water, ipecacuanha, and mustard, are all useful as emetics. Tickling the fauces with a feather may excite vomiting.

Wash out the stomach freely; a hypodermic injection of apomorphine as an emetic, followed by hypodermic injections of pilocarpine or morphine. Tea, coffee, or tannin, to precipitate the alkaloid. Tests. Atropine may be recognized by its action on the pupil. The chloro-iodide of potassium and mercury precipitates it from very dilute solutions. Hyoscyamus niger. Datura stramonium. Symptoms.

The action of strong hydrocholoric acid upon morphine changes it into apomorphine, C H NO , by the withdrawal of a molecule of water. Ferricyanide of potassium and caustic soda solution change morphine into oxidimorphine, C H N O . When heated with strong potassium hydrate, it yields methylamine. In this case, instead of opianic acid, its reduction product meconine, C H O , is produced.

Fulminating meningitis. That the child had died of apomorphine, a totally distinct poison. That it had received and taken calomel, but that, having eaten a small piece of pickle shortly before, the conjunction of the vegetable acid with the calomel had formed, in the child's stomach, a precipitate of corrosive sublimate, from which it had died. These were all argued with great learning.

The first indication is met by the administration of emetics, to produce vomiting, or by the application of the stomach-tube. The best emetic is that which is at hand. If there is a choice, give apomorphine hypodermically. The dose for an adult is 10 minims. It may be given in the form of the injection of the Pharmacopoeia, or preferably as a tablet dissolved in water.