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"If you give me the Comb of Magnificence, Mogue, I shall serve you for six years three years more than I said yesterday. I shall serve you well, even though I am the son of a King and can find out who my father and mother are." "I won't give you the Comb of Magnificence." "I'll serve you seven years if you do, Mogue." Mogue drank and drank out of the ale-pot, frowning to himself.

She had brought the meat home that she should have eaten herself, and was already warming it on a gridiron over the fire for her father, clad in an old grey gown and a black cap, awaiting his supper at the table. A clean cloth was spread before him, with knife, fork, and spoon, salt-cellar, pepper-box, glass, and pewter ale-pot.

Old Diccon, who had gone with him to the fair, had met some cronies of his own, with whom he had sat gossiping in the ale-booth, leaving Myles for the nonce to shift for himself. By-and-by the old man had noticed a crowd gathered at one part of the fair-ground, and, snuffing a fight, had gone running, ale-pot in hand.

He put the ale-pot away and said, "I suppose your life won't be any good to you unless I give you the Comb of Magnificence?" "That is so, Mogue." Mogue sighed heavily, but he went to his pack and took out the box that the treasures were in. He let Flann take out the Comb of Magnificence. "Seven years you will have to serve me," said Mogue, "and you will have to begin your service now."

Mogue spent his time with the ballad-singers and the story-tellers around the market-stake, and when he came back to his tent he wanted to drink ale and go to sleep, but Flann turned him from the ale-pot by saying to him, "I want the Comb of Magnificence from you, Mogue." "By my skin," said Mogue, "it's my blood you'll want next, my lad."

Can I speak with your domestic?" "I see little good it can do," answered the young lord, "but the interest you take in my misfortunes seems sincere, and therefore " He stamped on the floor, and in a few seconds afterwards Moniplies appeared, wiping from his beard and mustaches the crumbs of bread, and the froth of the ale-pot, which plainly showed how he had been employed.