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Every time he openeth his shop he suspendeth the said purse and crieth out, saying, 'Where are ye, O sharpers of Egypt, O prigs of Al-Irak, O tricksters of Ajam-land?

He brought his daughter this dress I speak of from an enchanted treasure, and every day he layeth it in a charger of gold and, opening the windows of the palace, crieth out, 'Where are the sharpers of Cairo, the prigs of Al-Irak, the master-thieves of Ajam-land?

And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say, When it was the Six Hundred and Thirty-fourth Night, She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Sabur, King of Ajam-land said to his Chief Officers, "Bear ye witness against me that I marry my daughter Fakhr Taj, to my son Gharib!"

Presently, he arose and opening the lattices, took a wand of gold, which he set up in the open window and, hanging thereto a golden charger by chains of the same metal, laid in it the dress, whilst Ali watched him from behind the door, and presently he cried out, saying, "Where are the sharpers of Cairo? Where are the prigs of Al-Irak, the master-thieves of the Ajam-land?

When morning morrowed the King mounted with Gharib and bidding all his troops take horse rode forth to the plain, where he said to his men, "Do ye tilt with spears and gladden my heart." So the champions of Persia land played one against other, and Gharib said, "O King of the age, I have a mind to tilt with the horsemen of Ajam-land, but on one condition."