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With this the thoughts of the King of the World penetrated his brain and, without having read the enigmatical signs, he understood and accomplished the message of the King." "How many persons have ever been to Agharti?" I questioned him. "Very many," answered the Lama, "but all these people have kept secret that which they saw there.

The old people on the shore of the River Amyl related to me an ancient legend to the effect that a certain Mongolian tribe in their escape from the demands of Jenghiz Khan hid themselves in a subterranean country. Afterwards a Soyot from near the Lake of Nogan Kul showed me the smoking gate that serves as the entrance to the "Kingdom of Agharti."

Also from the eastern country some tribes of black people penetrated to Agharti and lived there many centuries. Afterwards they were thrust out from the kingdom and returned to the earth, bringing with them the mystery of predictions according to cards, grasses and the lines of the palm.

Only a certain Tibetan leader after a battle with the Olets found the cave with the inscription: 'This is the gate to Agharti. From the cave a fine appearing man came forth, presented him with a gold tablet bearing the mysterious signs and said: "'The King of the World will appear before all people when the time shall have arrived for him to lead all the good people of the world against all the bad; but this time has not yet come.

If you could only see the miracles and power of the Most Holy Tashi Lama, when at his command the lamps and candles before the ancient statue of Buddha light themselves and when the ikons of the gods begin to speak and prophesy! But there exists a more powerful and more holy man. . ." "Is it the King of the World in Agharti?" I interrupted. He stared and glanced at me in amazement.