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This chain has been inhabited, within History's memory, by three distinct races, the Gallas, the ancient Moslems of Adel, and by the modern Somal. As usual, however, in the East, it has no general vernacular name. The aspect of these Ghauts is picturesque.

It is true, indeed, that he visited Mosullon, which lies beyond the straits, but not by sea, having marched by land to that place, through the interior of Abyssinia and Adel.

No Act defines the status, privileges, or rights of this nobility, because there are none. There is, however, a 'Hooge Raad van Adel, consisting of a permanent chairman, a permanent secretary, and four members, whose functions it is to report on matters of nobility, especially heraldic and genealogic, and on applications from Town Councils which wish to use some crest or other.

"Don't you know me?" he asked, holding out his hand to Pelle. It was Karl, the youngest of the three orphans in the "Ark." "Why, of course I know you!" answered Pelle, delighted. "I've been to Adel Street to look for you; I was told you had your business there." That had been a long time ago! Now Karl Anker was manager of a large supply association over on Funen.