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So on the quiet you get it all made over, back to old Dan's daughter; and take a sneak into the hazelbrush when she turns you down! Say, you know what I'd a-done?" "No." "I'd a-held on to the mine and told the girl how much it was bringin' in that's my system. Then I'd a-got the mine and the girl both, maybe!" "Maybe." "Well, that's the system I'd a-played.

Of course that was just Hill's comical way of putting it; but back of his fool talk there was hard sense as there was apt to be back of Hill's talk every time. He knew blame well what he was up against, Hill did; and if he hadn't been more'n extra sandy he never could a-held down his job.

"And if they'd ben smart they'd a-held on to them," she interpolated. "Sure thing," Bert continued. "That's the very point. We're the losers. We've ben robbed. We couldn't mark cards, deal from the bottom, an' ring in cold decks like the others. We're the white folks that failed. You see, times changed, and there was two kinds of us, the lions and the plugs.

Time was, though, when I'd a-held out for new, gold-mounted ones, or nothing; but that won't come, John; but you just ort to a been to the consolidation; it was just simply well, pulling the president's special would be just like hauling a gravel-train to it!"