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The mayor of a Paris commune in '71, prime minister from 1906-9, the editor of various papers, and senator now, Clemenceau is properly feared; and he was offered, it is said, a place in the present government, but would accept no post but the highest. He preferred his role of political realist and critical privateer, a sort of Mr. Shaw of French politics, hitting a head wherever he sees one.

It was my good fortune to be a resident in the dominions of the Tsar during the critical years of 1906-9, to be present at a session of the first Duma and to mingle with the members of that historic assembly in the lobby of the Parliament House, to catch something of the extraordinary belief in the coming of the millennium which was prevalent among all classes in Petrograd in the first charmed months of 1906, and finally to have been acquainted with active revolutionaries and their friends throughout the whole of my period of residence.

On staff of N. Y. Evening Sun, 1902-5; sub-editor McClure's Magazine, 1905-6; editor of The Metropolitan, 1906-9; European correspondent, Collier's Weekly, 1916. Author: "Sinister Island," 1915; "The House of Fear," 1916; "War's Dark Frame," 1917; "The Abandoned Room," 1917; etc. Lives in New York City. *Signal Tower. #Carnevali, Emanuel.# Tales of a Hurried Man. #Chapman, Edith.# Classical Case.

Discoveries made in 1906-9 suggest that from the ninth to the seventh centuries B. C. Sparta had some sort of an art of its own showing traces of Asiatic influence in its pottery a little later Sparta concluded an alliance with Croesus, King of Lydia, and Bathycles, an artist of Magnesia in Ionia, was treated with honour in Sparta.