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Government Bonds $ 27,236,512.00 First Mortgage Bonds 27,213,000.00 Income Bonds 9,355,000.00 Land Grant Bonds 9,224,000.00 Union Pacific Stock 36,000,000.00 $109,028,512.00 There were granted to the Union Pacific Railroad Company under its Charter land grants of eleven million three hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and forty-four acres.

Lieuben, a German lunatic, bet that he would succeed in turning up a pack of cards in the order stated in the written agreement. He turned and turned ten hours per day for twenty years. He had repeated the operation 4,246,028 times, when he succeeded." M. Lecoq was about to proceed with another illustration, when M. Plantat interrupted him by a gesture.

It did not reach its climax until the following period, but it was sufficiently large to awaken attention. In 1839 21,028 immigrants arrived here from Germany; in 1865, at the close of the Civil War, 83,424. Most of these were bound for the interior, but many who had only stopped to rest a while in New York decided to make this their home.

During the four years from 1893-96 Spain's trade with the colony averaged $11,402,888 annually, and the United States, $5,028,544. The total value of Porto Rican exports for 1896 was $18,341,430, and of imports, $18,282,690, making a total of $36,624,120, which was an excess over any previous year. The exports consist almost entirely of agricultural products.