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This is less than half the number of the religios under the vice-kings, while the riches of the Church have immensely increased, as we shall presently see.

For all these reasons the number of the religios has rapidly diminished, while the wealth and efficiency of the Church has increased.

"The general revenue destined for the maintenance of the clergy and of religious services in the republic may be divided into four classes: first, that which appertains to the bishops and to the canons, who form the chapter of the Cathedral; second, those revenues which appertain to particular ecclesiastics and chaplaincies; third, those of curates and vicars; fourth, those of divers communities of religios, of both sexes.

Colleccion de Leyes, p. 184. The Church of Mexico. Its present Condition and Power. The Number of the "Religios." The Wealth of the Church. The Money-power of the Church. The Power of Assassination. Educating the People robs the Priest. Making and adoring Images. The Progress downward. The Catholic Church of Mexico is a peculiar institution.

The income of this convent is great, notwithstanding the community is composed of only six religios, though it might well maintain more than a score of them. The guardian of Jalapa is no less vain than the prior of Vera Cruz; but he received us with much kindness, and treated us magnificently, although we were of another order.

Most of the Jews of our day are the descendants of the Babylonian Jews, who did not return to Jerusalem after the Captivity, but remained in the province of Babylon until they were driven out, some four hundred or more years after Christ; the Babylonian, not the Jerusalem Talmud, being most commonly in use among them. Causes that have diminished the Religios.